What To Do When You Get Stuck

What To Do When You Get Stuck
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What To Do When You Get Stuck

Summer is the perfect time to go off-roading in your ATV or Jeep! Until you get stuck. Getting your vehicle stuck is both scary and dangerous, especially if you’re alone.

We put together information on three main ways to get your vehicle unstuck. The first and easiest way is to use a winch. You can also use the tow straps and ropes method or your basic shovel.


Using a Winch

A winch is one of the easiest and stress-free ways to get unstuck. It requires no manual labor from you, and you can safely sit in the car while the winch is going. Read steps 1 through 8 to learn how to safely get yourself unstuck using a winch.




Don't worry if you don't have a winch yet. We recommend these top seller winches on our website!

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For your convenience, we have put together a winch accessory kit.

The kit contains:

  • Two Shackles (rated 9,500 lbs. each)
  • Pulley Block (rated 16,500 lbs.)
  • Tree Saver Strap (rated 16,500 lbs.)
  • Storage Bag


You can also shop for individual winch accessories on our website.



Step 1: Find your Anchor

Find a sturdy object to attach your winch to. In most cases, trees are the best option. If you decided to use a tree as your anchor, make sure it is a sturdy and healthy tree. Dead trees will not work!


Don't forget your tree saver straps! These straps will ensure that the tree isn’t left damaged when you are done using your winch. Attach the straps low on the tree, but high enough so that they don’t touch the ground!

tree saver strap


Step 2: Connect the Winch Controller

Plug in your winch’s controller and disengage the winch’s clutch. To disengage the clutch on your witch, move the lever on the winch to the disengage setting.




Step 3: Unspool the Winch

You must wear gloves during this step!

After you have your gloves on, slowly unspool the cable from your winch. This means walking slowly toward your tree or other anchor, and away from your stuck vehicl



Step 4: Connect the Winch Hook to Your Anchor

While you are unspooling the winch’s cable as mentioned in step 3, you will notice a hook at the beginning of the cable you are pulling. For step 4, connect this hook to your anchor.

If you chose a tree as your anchor, attach your hook to the tree saving straps you placed on the tree.

Important tip: Never attach the winch hook back to the winch cable. In other words, don’t circle the winch hook around the tree and clip it back onto the winch cable.


Step 5: Remove Slack From the Line

Don’t start reeling in the cable just yet!

This step involves taking your winch’s remote control to slowly take out the slack from the line. After you’re done with this step, your cable should no longer be dragging on the ground.


Step 6: Hang Your Winch Blanket!

It is extremely important for your safety to hang a winch blanket in the middle of your cable line. You may also hear a hitch blanket being referred to as a dampener.

In the event of a rope failure, a winch blanket will help the cable fall safely to the ground. The winch blanket will absorb most of the shock and energy from the cable.

Secure your winch blanket by the velcro near the top. It is also a good idea to add weight onto your winch blanket. Adding weight is suggested because it helps your winch blanket stay in place on your line. If it is a windy day or snowing, your winch blanket could move all throughout the line. For most cars, it is advised to add around 5 lbs. of weight.

This winch blanket comes with pockets on the side to safely add additional weight.

winch blanket


Step 7: Slowly Reel in the Winch

Before you start step 7, get inside of your vehicle. The inside of your vehicle will be the safest spot for you to be while your winch is in action.
Change your vehicle to be in neutral, and slowly reel yourself in with the winch’s remote control. Make sure to keep an eye on the cable line, don’t let it slack on the floor. Keep it tight at all times.

On your dashboard, you will most likely see a spike in your car’s RPM. You may also see some dashboard lights come on. This is completely normal while using a winch and nothing to worry about. An electric winch relies on the car’s electrical system to power itself, so it is a good idea to give the stuck vehicle a couple day rest once you safely make it back home.


Step 8: Pack Up

Step 7 should have gotten you unstuck and lifted to a safe location. Once you are ready to pack up, start with detaching your hook from the tree saving strap, or other anchor. Spool your cable back up while wearing gloves and lock your winch back into the engaged setting. Secure the winch hook in a safe place, and you are all ready to drive away.


If you would like to see this process explained in-depth and demonstrated, watch this video from CJ Off-Road.


Other Methods

Tow Straps and Ropes

In the event that you don’t have a winch, it’s always a good idea to keep tow straps and ropes in your vehicle. If you get stuck, you can call a friend to have them pull you out with your tow straps and ropes.


Check out our favorite tow straps and ropes on our website!

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As a last resort, you might need to shovel yourself out. Dig around all four tires as much as you can. While digging, turn your wheels left and right a few times to help clear the mud. Once you’ve dug all that you can, slightly rock your car back and forth by switching between drive and reverse.


Now that you know how to get yourself unstuck, you can have a good time off-roading in your ATV or Jeep!

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